Year-End Event 2023
Celebrating our 2023 achievements and looking forward to the new year at Dutch Consul General Marc Kuipers' Residence
12/15/20232 min read
We marked the end of a second successful year of the Science & Technology Diplomatic Circle Kansai (S&TDC) with great pleasure and a rich program at the residence of the Consul-General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The Year End Event 2023 was a joint event for all S&TDC members, with 35 guests that included representatives from prestigious institutions visited throughout the year, which included Keihanna-ATR, RIKEN SPring-8, Iwatani Corporation Hydrogen R&D, Kyoto Research Park, Panasonic RE100, IPS Center Kyoto University, Shionogi &Co., Ltd, ROHM Co., Ltd., ONO Pharmaceuticals, and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Takasago Hydrogen Park.
Consul-General Marc Kuipers of the Netherlands, our host, along with Consul & Chairman Dr. Felix Moesner of Switzerland, warmly greeted the guests and delivered short addresses. They highlighted the valuable experiences gained over the past year, thanked everyone for the support, and gave an overview of the S&TDC's growth and achievements.
As we move ahead to a promising new year filled with further enrichment and collaboration, we again extend our gratitude to our host, Consul-General Marc Kuipers, and his wife Monique for their continued support and hospitality extended towards the S&TDC Kansai.
We thank everyone who has been part of the S&TDC Kansai and look forward to another tremendous year full of activities, exciting engagements, and meaningful partnerships.

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